Adaptive General Scale Interpolation Based on
Similar Pixels Weighting

Published on TCSVT, February 2015 and ISCAS, May 2013.


Image interpolation is a process that generates high-resolution (HR) images utilizing the information in low-resolution (LR) images. The key task of image interpolation is to estimate the HR pixels interpolated into the LR image. Conventional interpolation algorithms, such as Bilinear and Bicubic interpolations apply a convolution on every interpolated pixel of the HR image. Since these methods apply the same convolution on every pixel, they do not distinguish pixels in plain area and high frequency region. Although these methods have rather low complexity, they produce noticeable reconstruction artifacts near edges and blur the image to some extent.

Since the edge structure is one of the most salient features in natural images, many edge-guided interpolation algorithms are published. One of the most effective method is Autoregressive (AR) Model. An autoregressive (AR) model is a type of random process that is often utilized to model and predict various types of natural signals. It is a set of linear formulas that attempts to obtain an estimation of a system based on the given information. In image processing, every pixel in an image can be estimated by its adjacent neighbors with certain weights. The AR model is defined as follows:

where and are the adjacent neighbors and their weights - model parameters - to pixel , respectively. is the estimating error. Based on the assumption that images maintain stability in a local window W, the model parameters can be computed by solving the linear least squares problem showed below,

where consists of pixels in W. The row of consists of adjacent neighbors of the pixel in . Then unknown pixels in W can be estimated by LR pixels with the same model parameters .

For better estimation, two kinds of AR models in different directions are always applied. One of them uses a pixel's cross-direction adjacent neighbors to estimate it, the other uses its diagonal direction adjacent neighbors. Two sets of weights can be calculated by performing these two AR models in a local window. Therefore, constraints on pixels are stronger, and the unknown pixels can be estimated more precisely.

Li and Orchard [1] proposed a new edge-directed interpolation (NEDI). They computed the parameters of the AR model in the LR image by a least square problem and estimated HR pixels by their neighbor LR pixels using corresponding parameters. Zhang and Wu [2] further proposed a soft-decision adaptive interpolation (SAI) based on NEDI. They added a cross-direction AR model and more correlations between LR pixels and HR pixels. Thus, SAI gained a better performance upon NEDI. However, these algorithms are based on the assumption that the image is piecewise stationary. To account for the fact that natural images are not always stabilized in local windows, our previous work [3] proposed an implicit piecewise autoregressive model-based image interpolation algorithm (IPAR) based on similarity modulated block estimation. In IPAR, a similarity probability model is proposed to model the non-stationarity of image signals.

The General Scale Interpolation

The adaptive algorithms mentioned above have limitation that they can only deal with enlargement whose magnification is two or a power of two. enlargement is just one of the special circumstances of image enlargement at general scaling factors. In Fig.1, it can be observed that HR pixels and LR pixels have relatively fixed positions in enlargement (Fig.1(a)). Thus, it is very effective applying AR model in enlargement. However, such postition is not fixed in more general cases (Fig.1(b) and Fig.1(c)).

Fig.1. HR pixel and LR pixel in local region at different scaling factors. (a) Scaling factor = 2.0. (b) Scaling factor = 1.5. (c) More general situation.

To solve this problem , we apply two AR models on every pixel in the local window W. Unlike methods for enlargement, interpolated pixels are estimated by its neighbor pixels no matter what types of pixels they are. The formation is modeled as follows:

where vector consists of pixels in a local window of HR image. Vector consists of pixels in the local window excluding the pixels on boundaries of the window. and are the coefficients that control the weight of two AR models. and are defined as follow:

where and are the element of and , =(, , , )and =(, , , ) are the parameters of two AR models, respectively.

Since LR pixels are not utilized in AR models, we use these valuable pixels to form a data fidelity term to improve our result. For a local window in HR image, we down-sample it by Bicubic method and compare it to the corresponding window in LR image. The constrain is modeled as follows:

where vector consists of pixels in a local window of LR image and matrix represents the Bicubic down-sampling process. Obviously, the smaller this constrain's value is, the better estimation we have. Such constrain is useless in enlargement because the pixels that is down-sampled are exactly the same with the corresponding pixels in LR image.

AR model works well when the statistics in the local window are stationary because all AR models of a same type share a same weights in the whole window. However, natural pictures do not maintain stability in most local windows. For example, as illustrated in Fig.2, there are significant differences between an edge-crossing area and a plain area in a local window. Thus, estimations of AR models in this window are not robust. In order to solve this problem, we introduce a method to judge the similarity between the pixel to-be-output (usually the center pixel) and other pixels in the local window.

Fig.2. Similar patches in local window. Patches in yellow frames are similar to each other but different from those in red or navy blue.

Naturally we prefer to give more weight on the pixel (in other words, its corresponding AR model) that are more similar to the center pixel, and vice versa. It is commonly agreed that pixels are similar if there is a small difference between their local structures. Moreover, two pixels are likely to be similar if they are close to each other. Thus, the weight is a composite of two parts. One of them is the similarity of two center pixels' local structures. The other is the distance between them. The weight between two pixels and is defined as

where represents the similarity of two center pixels' local structures. represents the degree of two pixels' distance. They are described as

where and represent vectors consisting of the 8-connected neighborhood of and , respectively; and are the spatial coordinates of and , respectively. and control the shape of the exponential function.

After obtaining all pixels' weight to the center pixel, we can form a diagonal weight matrix which represents the weight distribution in current local window. By adding the weight matrix , we can get the objective function described below,

For simple representation, the objective function can be represented by a least square problem as

where is the residue vector, representing the estimating residue. It is described as

The least square problem can be linearized by adding , and as

where and are constructed as follows: the row of is a vector constructed by four diagonal neighbors of pixel . The row of is a vector constructed by four cross-direction neighbors of pixel .

For simple representation, the linearized function can be written as follows:


Therefore, given the initial values of , and , we can obtain and use it to update , and for the next iteration. In our implementation, we use Bicubic's result as the initial value of , and are initialized as (1/4, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4).

In order to alleviate the complexity of the proposed method, we only apply the proposed algorithm on high-frequency areas. Furthermore, we output the center pixels at once. It may slightly reduce the performance, but can lead to a 9 times speed-up. Meanwhile, in order to avoid blocking artifacts, we produce an overlapping region between adjacent windows and the offset is set to be 3 pixels. In Fig.3, the output pixels of two adjacent windows are shown. It can be seen that every pixel except for the pixels in boundary areas of the whole image can be processed.

Fig.3. Possible configuration used in proposed algorithm. The size of windows is set to be . The square in full line represents the current window while the square in dashed line represents its next window. Black pixels and gray pixels are the output of the current window and the next window, respectively.

Experimental results

Experiment 1.1 (scaling factor = 1.5)

Images Bicubic Wu[4] Proposed
Child 39.10 37.32 39.20
Lena 37.67 35.61 38.29
Baboon 26.19 24.72 26.50
Pepper 35.58 34.53 36.09
Tulip 38.23 35.32 39.95
Cameraman 29.20 27.42 30.37
Monarch 36.06 32.62 37.06
Airplane 34.29 32.51 35.25
Caps 37.40 36.34 38.08
Statue 34.90 32.87 35.35
Sailboat 35.52 34.13 36.86
House 26.23 23.60 27.00
Woman 36.85 35.71 37.13
Bike 29.94 27.57 31.26
Lighthouse 30.83 28.81 31.88
Barbara 28.02 27.30 26.77
Ruler 13.85 12.30 14.18
Slope 29.10 28.24 29.52
Average 32.16 30.38 32.82

Experiment 1.2 (scaling factor = 1.5)

We test our algorithm on the first 15 frames of each sequence.

Sequences JSVM [5] Bicubic Proposed
akiyo 39.50 41.79 43.81
foreman 39.60 42.17 43.94
highway 40.85 43.07 45.70
Average 39.99 42.34 44.48

Experiment 2 (scaling factor = 1.7)

Images Bicubic Wu[4] Proposed
Child 37.62 36.23 37.68
Lena 36.26 34.64 36.78
Baboon 24.92 23.92 25.01
Pepper 34.30 33.51 34.79
Tulip 36.29 34.23 37.96
Cameraman 27.64 26.39 28.68
Monarch 34.27 31.72 35.20
Airplane 32.68 31.49 33.38
Caps 35.84 35.16 36.42
Statue 33.43 31.92 33.53
Sailboat 33.80 32.98 34.93
House 24.68 22.73 24.99
Woman 35.25 34.52 35.44
Bike 28.33 26.72 29.45
Lighthouse 29.22 27.64 29.80
Barbara 26.54 25.70 25.59
Ruler 12.83 11.73 12.95
Slope 30.38 28.58 30.75
Average 30.79 29.44 31.30

Experiment 3 (scaling factor = 2)

Images Bicubic NEDI [1] SAI[2] IPAR[3] JSVM[5] Wu [4] Proposed
Child 35.49 34.56 35.63 35.70 31.81 35.02 35.49
Lena 34.01 33.72 34.76 34.79 30.07 33.66 34.49
Baboon 22.47 22.55 22.70 22.69 21.24 22.55 22.37
Pepper 32.06 29.32 31.84 32.69 28.41 32.15 32.56
Tulip 33.82 33.76 35.71 35.85 29.37 33.60 35.26
Cameraman 25.51 25.44 25.99 26.06 23.63 25.49 25.55
Monarch 31.93 31.80 33.08 33.34 28.47 31.31 32.87
Airplane 29.40 28.00 29.62 30.05 26.92 29.47 29.87
Caps 31.25 31.19 31.64 31.67 30.06 31.33 31.53
Statue 31.36 31.01 31.78 31.94 29.04 31.16 31.35
Sailboat 30.12 30.18 30.69 30.85 28.12 30.31 30.39
House 22.20 21.74 22.28 22.33 20.28 21.75 22.10
Woman 31.17 30.73 31.27 31.34 29.62 31.08 31.26
Bike 25.41 25.25 26.28 26.31 23.35 25.39 25.85
Lighthouse 26.97 26.37 26.70 26.76 25.09 26.46 27.13
Barbara 24.46 22.36 23.55 23.10 23.18 23.85 23.26
Ruler 11.98 11.49 11.37 11.81 10.43 12.24 12.50
Slope 26.74 26.54 26.63 26.78 24.48 26.87 27.84
Average 28.13 27.56 28.42 28.56 25.75 27.98 28.43

Experiment 4 (model weights)

and represent the weights of two autoregressive (diagonal direction and cross direction). Each point (x, y) represent the PSNR of the result when is set to be x and is set to be y. The more red the color is, the corresponding PSNR value is higher; the more blue the color is, the corresponding PSNR value is lower.




(1) The Bicubic method is labeled as "BC";

(2) The new edge-directed interpolation method in [1] is labeled as "NEDI";

(3) Thw soft-decision and adaptive interpolation in [2] is labeled as "SAI";

(4) The implicit piecewise autoregressive mode based image interpolation in [3] is labeled as "IPAR";

(5) The adaptive resolution upconversion algorithm in [4] is labeled as "Wu";

(6) The spatial scalability extension in [5] is labeled as "JSVM";

(7) The proposed method is labeled as "AGSI";

(8) The original image is labeled as "HR";


[1] X. Li and M.T. Orchard, “New edge-directed interpolation,” IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 10, no. 10, pp. 1521–1527, October 2001.

[2] X. Zhang and X. Wu, “Image interpolation by adaptive 2-d autoregressive modeling and soft-decision estimation,” IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 887–896, June 2008.

[3] J. Ren, J. Liu, W. Bai, Z. Guo, "Similarity modulated block estimation for image interpolation." IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2011.

[4] X. Wu, M. Shao, X. Zhang, "Improvement of H.264 SVC by model-based adaptive resolution upconversion", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2010

[5] A. Segall and G. Sullivan, "Spatial Scalability Within the H.264/AVC Scalable Video Coding Extension", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol.17, no.9, pp.1121-1135, 2007

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